Latest Earphones Price in Bangladesh 2022

Who didn’t know about earphones? In this modern era, people love to make their life easier and comfortable and wanna do work without giving much effort.

In a day, we have to engage with people, call them or receive, listen to our favorite track, etc. Good earphones make this task easy for us. And like other fast-growing countries, different types of earphones became more popular in BD day by day.

What Is Earphone?

Earphones are basically made with a pair of small loudspeaker drivers that delivers sound to the user’s ears.

These electroacoustic transducers convert an electrical signal to a similar sound. An earphone is a great gadget for a single user to listen privately compare to a loudspeaker.

Synonyms Of Earphone

The earphone is also known as –

  • Ear speakers
  • Headphone
  • Earbuds
  • Earpieces
  • Headset
  • Microphone
  • Stetoclip
  • Earplug, etc.

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